Porches can be a common feature found on homes today. Unfortunately, porches can hide large construction defects above the porch ceiling. Many homes are found today without wall sheathing above the porch ceiling exposing a large area of the home’s exterior walls to significant air infiltration and heat losses/gains. This session shows how to diagnose this common problem and options for correcting it. You will also learn:
1. How a Porch of a home can hide serious insulation and air sealing defects that negatively impact the performance of a home.
2. You will see why air sealing and insulating where a Porch connects to a home is important when improving the performance of our homes.
3. You will understand the different options for air sealing and insulating Porch connections.
4. And you will gain a better understanding of why insulating and air sealing Porches greatly improves comfort, lowers utility bills and increases the energy efficiency of homes.
Approx 50-60 Minutes
You will have 365 days to start the course. Once course is complete, access will be removed.
If you are BPI certified and qualify for BPI CEU’s for taking this course, please allow 2 weeks for the CEU’s to be posted at BPI.
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